Friday, December 24, 2010

Writing, I think, is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living. The writer experiences everything twice. Once in reality and once in that mirror which waits always before or behind. ~Catherine Drinker Bowen

Irish Twins!

  I just learned that this term is actually derogatory and offensive, but since my husband and children are Irish I can use it! :P

I had never heard it till recently.
Since then I've heard it quite a few times.

To those of you who don't know what Irish twins are...they are siblings born within one calendar year. 

Why, you may ask am I writing about Irish twins? 

You guessed it! Jenna will have an Irish twin here in about 7 months.

Yep, I JUST worked my way out of my maternity clothes and I hear I am donning them yet again!

Of course it was quite a shock to us, but since then we have grown quite fond of the idea.

We may just have Irish triplets and get it over with!! :)

P.S. If you see me and say I'm showing I'll hurt you

Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's not plagiarism - I'm recycling words, as any good environmentally conscious writer would do. ~Uniek Swain

Never Alone
Grace E. Easley

You're sad and broken-hearted,
And you feel you've been betrayed,
And you seek to find the reason in
Mistakes that you have made.
Your world is toppling over,
And you watch the pieces fly,
But you're helpless to prevent it,
No matter how you cry.

No man who ever lived has strength
Enough to stand alone,
And everything we have today,
Tomorrow might be gone.
So that is why no matter what,
Take care what you're about.
No happiness can ever come
From shutting Jesus out.

Each of us learns from failure,
To rise each time we fall,
This is the only way that life
Makes any sense at all.
It takes a lot of straining,
To walk that extra mile,
But nothing's free, we have to work
For everything worthwhile.

So do no weep for yesterday,
That you cannot recall,
And know within your heart, the Lord
Is with you through it all.
Though human love is here today,
And in a moment gone...
Who loves the Lord will always find
...He never walks alone