Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mommy guilt

Mommy Guilt
Why is it that mommies are plagued with guilt?! There is always this constant nagging that I didn't do enough today. I didn't do a craft with them today, I didn't stop what I was doing and read a book every time they asked, I didn't get to the snot on that little nose before it dried, I didn't have the patience that I ought to have had . Even the moms that I think have it all together and are on top of things all the time admit to having that ugly guilt remind them of their constant "failures". 
But who says they're failures?!?! 
Who sets those standards?!?! 
There are those legitimate things that we do as fleshly humans, things that we know are wrong, but we know they're wrong because our conscious is pricked, our hearts are heavy. We repent and ask God for patience, a soft spoken word instead of an angry one, wisdom in the situations we face day to day. But I'm not talking about those things.
We think we have to do it all, on time and right every time. 
We as their mothers want to give them the best. So why do we think we don't?! We do what we can and probably more and come out feeling like it's not enough, but if it's what we can do and it's the best of what we can do. Why is that not enough?!
There is always more to do, ALWAYS. So at the end of the day rest in knowing you did what you could. Leave tomorrows worries and tasks for tomorrow and rest in the joy of doing what God has called you to do FOR THAT DAY.  
I didn't get to the dishes, or the laundry, or the bathrooms, so what? They will be there tomorrow, only difference is they won't flourish in the time I spend with them. So when all I've gotten to today leaves my house looking neglected, instead of tallying up all the "failures", I'm going to delight in the fact that my children went to bed with full love tanks.

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