Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How Did You Begin Your Day?

I have such an amazing little guy. He sleeps 10 hours at night for me. I usually don't have a hard time getting up in the mornings, but last night for his last feeding I was too tired to sit up and feed him. I thought, "Oh, I'll just lay in bed and feed him, and when he is done I'll stick him in his bed" Not so. I conked out immediately. And thus began the whole cycle. I'm sure all you moms out there know what cycle I'm talking about, but just in case you need a refresher it goes something like this: Wake up because baby is nuzzling and looking for food. Aim in the general direction of baby's mouth and determine to stay awake to put baby back in bed. Fall asleep. Wake up because baby is nuzzling and looking for food. Switch sides. Aim in the general direction of baby's mouth and determine to stay awake to put baby back in bed. Fall asleep. 
SO...this morning I was a little more reluctant to get out of bed. 

Every morning Haddie gets in bed with me when she wakes up. It usually makes Jenna very mad to see Haddie get out of bed and just walk out since she is stuck in her crib. I snuggle with Haddie for a few minutes, but I have to get up at this point because of Jenna's wailing.  Like every other morning Haddie climbs up in bed with me this morning. UNlike every other morning Jenna isn't screaming and throwing a fit. I, grateful for a few minutes of extra sleep, roll over and snuggle in to go back to sleep. Not before aiming in the general direction of baby's mouth.
I mumble in my sleep deprived state, "Shhhh. Go ba'g sleep"
Haddie in a very calm, matter of fact voice, "Jenna took off her diaper." 
I take a deep breath.
OK, 'addie.
OK, Haddie. Thank you.
Jenna is poopy

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