Thursday, November 4, 2010

"The man who writes about himself and his own time is the only man who writes about all people and all time." ~ George Bernard Shaw

Much Ado About Nothing

I love working out. I mean, I sincerely dread doing it, but when it's done and I've accomplished it, I feel amazing.

I worry I go through my wine too quickly. How long is a 1.5 L supposed to last a breastfeeding mom anyway?

I like taking Jenna shopping with me...I like to believe the stares I get are a captive audience to my sweet baby...not the greasy hair and baggy maternity clothes. (yes, shower time is a rare art of achieving nap time for both girls at the same time and I'M NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. And the only clothes that fit me right now are my too big maternity clothes...see why I like having her. I would be aggressively explaining myself like a mad woman to every shopper who dared to look my I'm doing now, with you...if you're there..)

I worry that I don't balance mommy time well between the girls.

I often have fights with Jake in my head when I think he is upset with me and going to confront me...only, he never is and never does. The really sad thing is...I'm usually really upset with him by the time the "fight" is over.

I am procrastinating with writing a blog about nothing instead of working out and showering while both girls are napping.

I love the two seconds of peace I get between pulling down my pants and sitting on the toilet before that sweet little voice starts calling "moooooommy!".

I dream of something big happening in our lives that makes us go "back"  where I can be a midwife's assistant again.

I must go shower now...

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!!! I sooooo SO love it! (The two seconds of peace, that is!) No, seriously, your blog is great! I will be back...unshowered and in too-big maternity clothes...
